This post was written with early versions of tidymodels packages. And in some ways have not aged perfectly. The general idea about this post is still valid, but if you want more up-to-date code please refer to
In this post, we will revisit one of my earlier blogposts where I tried to use tidytext and glmnet to predict the authorship of the anonymous Federalist Papers. If you want more information regarding the data, please read the old post. In the post, we will try to achieve the same goal but use the tidymodels framework.
Loading Packages
library(tidymodels) # Modeling framework
library(textrecipes) # extension to preprocessing engine to handle text
library(stringr) # String modification
library(gutenbergr) # Portal to download the Federalist Papers
library(tokenizers) # Tokenization engine
library(furrr) # to be able to fit the models in parallel
Fetching the Data
The text is provided from the Gutenberg Project. A simple search reveals that the Federalist Papers have the id of 1404. Note that the text is in English1.
<- gutenberg_download(1404)
papers papers
shaping data
This is the first we will deviate from the original post in that we will divide the text into paragraphs instead of sentences as we did in the last post. Hopefully, this will strike a good balance between the size of each observation and the number of observations.
In the following pipe we: - pull()
out the text vector - paste together the strings with \n
to denote line-breaks - tokenize into paragraphs - put it in a tibble - create a variable no
to denote which paper the paragraph is in - add author
variable to denote the author - remove preamble text
# attribution numbers
<- c(1, 6:9, 11:13, 15:17, 21:36, 59:61, 65:85)
hamilton <- c(10, 14, 18:20, 37:48)
madison <- c(2:5, 64)
jay <- c(49:58, 62:63)
<- papers %>%
papers_paragraphs pull(text) %>%
str_c(collapse = "\n") %>%
tokenize_paragraphs() %>%
unlist() %>%
tibble(text = .) %>%
mutate(no = cumsum(str_detect(text, regex("FEDERALIST No",
ignore_case = TRUE)))) %>%
mutate(author = case_when(no %in% hamilton ~ "hamilton",
%in% madison ~ "madison",
no %in% jay ~ "jay",
no %in% unknown ~ "unknown")) %>%
no filter(no > 0)
Class Balance
There is quite a bit of imbalance between the classes. For the remainder of the analysis will we exclude all the papers written by Jay
, partly because it is a small class, but more importantly because he isn’t suspected to be the mystery author.
papers_paragraphs count(author) %>%
ggplot(aes(author, n)) +
It is worth remembering that we don’t have the true answer, much more like in real-world problems.
Splitting the Data
Here we will use the rsample
package to split the data into testing, validation, and training data sets. We will let the testing dataset be all the paragraphs where author == "unknown"
and the training and validation datasets being the paragraphs written by Hamilton and Madison. intial_split()
will insure that each dataset has the same proportions with respect to the author
<- papers_paragraphs %>%
data_split filter(author %in% c("hamilton", "madison")) %>%
initial_split(strata = author)
<- training(data_split)
<- testing(data_split)
<- papers_paragraphs %>%
testing_data filter(author == "unknown")
specifying data preprocessing
We will go with a rather simple preprocessing. start by specifying a recipe where author
is to be predicted, and we only want to use the text
data. Here we make sure to use the training dataset. We then
- tokenize according to (n-grams)[]
- only keep the 250 most frequent tokens
- calculate the (term frequency-inverse document frequency)[]
- up-sample the observation to achieve class balance
and finally prep the recipe.
<- recipe(author ~ text, data = training_data) %>%
rec step_tokenize(text, token = "ngrams", options = list(n = 3)) %>%
step_tokenfilter(text, max_tokens = 250) %>%
step_tfidf(text) %>%
step_upsample(author) %>%
Apply Preprocessing
Now we apply the prepped recipe to get back the processed datasets. Note that I have used shorter names for processed datasets (train_data
vs training_data
<- juice(rec)
train_data <- bake(rec, new_data = validation_data)
val_data <- bake(rec, new_data = testing_data) test_data
Fitting the Models
This time I’m going to try to run some (random forests)[]. And that would be fairly easy to use. First, we specify the model type (rand_forest
) the type (classification
), and the engine (randomForest
). Next, we fit the model to the training dataset, predict it on the validation datasets, add the true value and calculate the accuracy
rand_forest("classification") %>%
set_engine("randomForest") %>%
fit(author ~ ., data = train_data) %>%
predict(new_data = val_data) %>%
mutate(truth = val_data$author) %>%
accuracy(truth, .pred_class)
However, we want to try some different hyperparameter values to make sure we are using the best we can. The dials
allow us to do hyper-parameter searching in a fairly easy way. First, we will create a parameter_grid, where we will vary the number of trees in our forest (trees()
) and the number of predictors to be randomly sampled. We give it some reasonable ranges and say that we want 5 levels for each parameter, resulting in 5 * 5 = 25
parameter pairs.
<- grid_regular(range_set(trees(), c(50, 250)),
param_grid range_set(mtry(), c(1, 15)), levels = 5)
Next, we create a model specification where we use varying()
to denote that these parameters are to be varying. Then we merge()
the model specification into the parameter grid such that we have a tibble of model specifications
<- rand_forest("classification", mtry = varying(), trees = varying()) %>%
rf_spec set_engine("randomForest")
<- param_grid %>%
param_grid mutate(specs = merge(., rf_spec))
Next, we want to iterate through the model specification. We will here create a function that will take a model specification, fit it to the training data, predict according to the validation data, calculate the accuracy and return it as a single number. Create this function makes so we can use map()
over all the model specifications.
<- function(model) {
fit_one_spec %>%
model fit(author ~ ., data = train_data) %>%
predict(new_data = val_data) %>%
mutate(truth = val_data$author) %>%
accuracy(truth, .pred_class) %>%
While this is a fairly small dataset, I’ll showcase how we can parallelize the calculations. Since we have a framework where are we map()
’ing over the specification it is an obvious case for the furrr
package. (if you don’t want or isn’t able to to run your models on multiple cores, simply delete plan(multicore)
and turn future_map_dbl()
to map_dbl()
<- param_grid %>%
final mutate(accuracy = future_map_dbl(specs, fit_one_spec))
Now we can try to visualize the optimal hyper-parameters
final mutate_at(vars(trees:mtry), factor) %>%
ggplot(aes(mtry, trees, fill = accuracy)) +
geom_tile() +
and we see that only having 1 predictor to split with it is sub-optimal, but otherwise having a low number of predictors are to be preferred. We can use arrange()
to look at the top parameter pairs
arrange(final, desc(accuracy)) %>%
and we pick trees == 100
and mtry == 4
as our hyper-parameters. And we use these to fit our final model
<- rf_spec %>%
final_model update(trees = 100, mtry = 4) %>%
fit(author ~ ., data = train_data)
Predicting the unknown papers
Lastly, we predict on the unknown papers.
<- testing_data %>%
final_predict bind_cols(predict(final_model, new_data = test_data))
We can’t calculate accuracy or any other metric, as we don’t know the true value. However, we can see how the different paragraphs have been classified within each paper.
final_predict count(no, .pred_class) %>%
mutate(no = factor(no)) %>%
group_by(no) %>%
mutate(highest = n == max(n))
Now we can visualize the results, and it looks like from this limited analysis that Hamilton is the author of mysterious papers.
final_predict count(no, .pred_class) %>%
mutate(no = factor(no),
.pred_class = factor(.pred_class,
levels = c("hamilton", "madison"),
labels = c("Hamilton", "Madison"))) %>%
group_by(no) %>%
mutate(highest = n == max(n)) %>%
ggplot(aes(no, n, fill = .pred_class, alpha = highest)) +
scale_alpha_ordinal(range = c(0.5, 1)) +
geom_col(position = "dodge", color = "black") +
theme_minimal() +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#304890", "#6A7E50")) +
guides(alpha = "none") +
theme(legend.position = "top") +
labs(x = "Federalist Paper Number",
y = "Number of paragraphs",
fill = "Author",
title = "Hamilton were predicted more often to be the author then\nMadison in all but 1 Paper")
In this post we have touched on a lot of different topics; tidymodels, text preprocessing, parallel computing, etc. Since we have covered so many topics have left each section not covered in a lot of detail. In a more proper analysis, you would want to try some different models and different ways to do the preprocessing.