Slidecraft 101

All things slidecraft with Quarto Revealjs slides


June 5, 2024

I find slidecrafting an entertaining endeavour, and have thus created a number of projects and material to further it in the world. This is a round overview of the material I have created.

I use Quarto to create slides using the revealjs framework.

Blog posts

Change the appearance of your slides. Colors, fonts and sizes

Interesting things to add to your slides

Modifying content on slides

Quarto Themes

Quarto Extensions

Talks about slidecrafting / quarto theming

Here is a selection of talks where I talk about slidecrafting or quarto theming in general. It doesn’t include ALL talks as there is some overlap between the talks I have given. See talks page for all my past talks.

Branded Quarto

Slidecraft with quarto

Styling and Templating Quarto Documents

Slidecraft - the art of creating pretty presentations
